Install PhoneInfoga in Termux - 2023
||Phone number Information Gathering Tool - TECH RAHMAN||
This blog is only for Educational purposes.
Also, check out:
- Installation of Phoneinfoga
- Installation of Cyber Scan
- Track Location
- Common useful commands
- Open gallery without password
What is PhoneInfoga?
PhoneInfoga is one of the most advanced tools to scan phone numbers using only free resources. The goal is to first gather information such as country, area, carrier and line type on any international phone numbers with very good accuracy.
PhoneInfoga is one of the foremost advanced tools to scan phone numbers exploiting solely free resources. The goal is to 1st gather normal data like country, area, carrier and line kind on any international phone numbers with a really sensible accuracy.
Step 1: Open Google Play Store & Download
- Termux
- Termux -API
Step 2: Open Termux and Type the following commands given below.
- pkg update
- pkg upgrade
- pkg install python
- pkg install python2
- pkg install git
- git clone
- ls
- cd PhoneInfoga
- ls
- mv
- ls
- python3 -m pip install -r requirments.txt
- ls
- chmod +x *
- ls
- python3 -n +(phone number with country code)
I hope this blog helps you out.
If you have any queries related to this blog you can do comment or dm on Instagram.
Thank you.